The ENCA Strategy and Actions
To celebrate its 10th Anniversary Year ENCA launched an ambitious strategy aimed at targeting our joint challenges in Nature Conservation. This strategy will inform ENCA's direction for the next five years by identifying key priorities for Nature Conservation.

European Nature Conservation Agencies Strategy 2017-2022
European Nature Conservation Agencies Strategy 2017-2022
Nature in Europe is more resilient and secure, supporting abundant and diverse wildlife and contributing to the health and wellbeing of people.
The ENCA network enhances nature conservation in Europe and neighbouring countries by sharing and deploying its collective knowledge and experience of policy implementation, advice and natural resource management, and by supporting better informed and more coherent policy decisions.

ENCA Priorities
ENCA has agreed six priority work areas,
- Protected areas management and habitat restoration
- Implementation of Nature Laws/ Directives
- Habitat Condition and Favourable Conservation Status (FCS)
- Mainstreaming Nature Conservation and social issues
- Landscape approach, sustainable land use and agricultural policies
- Natural Capital, ecosystem services, Green Infrastructure and Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services (MAES)
ENCA Actions
ENCA’s actions are closely linked to relevant key policy processes, such as
- EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030
- Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
- Common Agriculture Policy
- Farm to Fork Strategy
- Development of Rural Areas
- Climate Change issues
These will be delivered by the ENCA Members and Interest groups. Temporary task and finish groups, which combine expertise from across the interest groups will be established when needed to deliver cross-cutting actions via the ENCA Troika.
ENCA-18 established the need for a new model of working for ENCA. This led to the creation of a task and finish group, the Troika+ Strategy group. The group included representatives from UBA (Austria), INPA (Israel), CAEN (Croatia), SNH (Scotland) and Natural England. Together they have developed the draft strategy setting out ENCA's mission, vision and objectives. This was discussed and agreed at ENCA-20.