World Wetlands Day: Recommendations for Wetland Restoration
January 22, 2024
Wetlands and Human Wellbeing
Every 2 February, on World Wetlands Day, people around the globe celebrate the value and beauty of our planet’s wetlands.

This year’s motto “Wetlands and Human Wellbeing” highlights the wide range of ecological, social and economic benefits offered by these special ecosystems, including their essential contributions to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Wetlands are among the most biodiverse, dynamic and productive ecosystems in Europe, but also among the most threatened. About 80% of European wetlands have already disappeared in the last 100 years. The remainder is largely degraded due to human pressures and highly vulnerable to the changing climate. To preserve this vital part of our natural life support system, there is an urgent need to protect the few healthy wetlands that remain and to significantly scale up wetland restoration across Europe.
To provide guidance on achieving this, the European Network of Nature Conservation Agencies (ENCA) has published the recommendation paper.Restoring Riverine and Coastal Wetlands in Europe – Scaling Up Action for Biodiversity and Climate
These ENCA Recommendations are aimed at actors from politics, science and practice at the interface of biodiversity and climate change. They address necessary political changes for wetland conservation, the practical implementation of restoration measures, the communication and expansion of scientific research on the topic as well as better transdisciplinary cooperation between all involved actors.
Find detailed information on the Conference Website