Sustainable Land Use

The Interest group on Sustainable land use and agriculture was established in 2007 and is co-chaired by Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) and Environment Agency Austria (EAA).

Foto Kulturlandschaft

Aims and Scope

The way farming is performed impacts the state of Biodiversity both positively and negatively. The main purpose of the group is to share information on the implementation of best practice on agri-environmental policies including the impacts of direct payments influencing the state of biodiversity. Our aim is to contribute to an informed debate about the role of farming for biodiversity. We concentrate on the debate on the reform of the European Common Agricultural Policy and the design of integrated Rural Development policies.

Key Areas

The groups work is based on a shared vision: Progressively transforming the CAP into a system that is focused more clearly on rewarding the environmental services arising from land management, where the markets fail to do so. The group acts as a platform for exchanging information on the nature conservation implications of agriculture policy and land use developments.

A secondary focus is the debate on global and European trends (such as changes in population and the consumption of energy and meat, etc.) leading to increased demand for agricultural land use with knock-on implications for European agricultural and environmental policies.

Recent Outputs 


High Nature Value Farmland – nature friendly farming
(ENCA Engagement Piece)

Improving the biodiversity performance of agricultural policies
(ENCA Engagement Piece)


Integrating Soil Biodiversity Conservation into Sustainable Land Use
(ENCA Engagement Piece)​​​​


Delivering environmental and biodiversity objectives through the CAP 2021‐27: A synthesis of evidence by ENCA 

Evidence to support consideration of a requirement for at least 10% of agricultural land being under non-productive features/areas: An annotated reference list by ENCA


Learning the lessons of the Greening of the CAP
An IEEP Publication with ENCA inputGreening of CAP Pillar 1 Payments- can it be done better and simpler? Seminar Proceedings. More information on the Seminar is available 

Some Reflections on the Review of the CAP ‘Greening’ Measures 
IG SLU reflections on the European Commission's 'Review of CAP 'Greening' Measures'.

These and other documents relating to sustainable land use are available for download from the Library.


Seminar: Revaluating the role of High Biodiverse Farming and Livestock Systems at EU level in a changing climate post 2022
Wednesday 27th April 2022 –14:30-16:30 CET

Programm & Contact


The work on a common Vision for CAP-Reform takes place in exchange with the UK Land use Policy group (LUPG).

There is also close cooperation with the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Council (EEAC).


The IG is open to new members of other agencies inside the ENCA network. We also appreciate contributions from scientists working in institutions which are not members of ENCA.