Implementation of Nature Laws and Directives
ENCA activities under this priority have focused on the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and the Fitness Check of the Nature Directives.

Post 2020 Strategy
- ENCA-26 (2020, online)
- ENCA-25 (2019, The Hague, Netherlands): The 25th plenary meeting focused on the post 2020 framework and the direction of nature conservation beyond 2020. The CAP is one of the key elements of that.
- ENCA-23 (2018, Zagreb, Croatia): The over-archingtheme of the plenary was the Post-2020 Biodiversity Strategy at the global and European level, with discussion around its integration into national strategies
Presentations available upon request from the ENCA secretariat.
The Nature Directives Fitness Check
In 2014, the Commission launched the Fitness Check of the EU Birds and Habitats Directive. This was launched as part of the REFIT Programme.
The Commission evaluation led to the development of the Action Plan for nature, people and the economy, to improve the Directives 'implementation and boost their contribution towards reaching the EU's biodiversity targets for 2020'.
ENCA Activities
ENCA Members have engaged with the European Commission to discuss ENCA's support to delivery of the Action Plan for nature, people and economy.
ENCA Outputs
The ENCA Statement on th EC Nature Directives Fitness Check (2015)