Network Structure
ENCA Members
The ENCA members constitute the Directors and Senior representatives of Nature Conservation bodies across Europe. The Members determine the direction of ENCA, deciding priorities for ENCA and the ENCA interest group work programmes.
Plenary Meetings
Plenary meetings are held twice yearly and are the forum for decision making in the network. Each Plenary meeting is chaired by the head of the host ENCA agency. After each meeting, the host of the next Plenary meeting is appointed as the Troika and ENCA network Chair. The Chair is responsible for coordinating activities between meetings and preparing the agenda for the upcoming Plenary meeting.
Interest Groups
The ENCA strategy is delivered by four Interest Groups on:
The Interest Groups are responsible for developing work programmes which address the key priorities identified in the ENCA strategy. They oversee activities to deliver these including conferences and seminars, workshops, reports and statements.
The ENCA Troika, the intersessional governing body of the network, consists of four member agencies who comprise the past, present and the two future network Chairs. Troika can establish task and finish groups to deliver time-limited pieces of work.
The ENCA Secretariat supports the network, keeping track of ongoing activities, coordinating events and interest groups as well as supporting contact among ENCA’s members and providing cooperation with EU institutions and the EPA network. Furthermore, the secretariat facilitates the preparation of meetings and the finalisation and submission of position papers and statements.