Climate Change
The ENCA Climate Change Group was established in 2009 to help address issues around nature conservation and climate change. The group is chaired by Natural England.

Aims and Scope
Climate change is already affecting Europe’s ecosystems, and potentially severe effects on biodiversity and ecosystem function can be expected in the future. It is important for nature conservation to take climate change better into account, in order to help the natural environment adapt to a world that appears likely to be much more dynamic and unpredictable. In addition, nature conservation has an important role in helping humans adapt to climate change, and in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.
Climate change increases the need for a cross-European approach to conservation, for example because of likely shifts in species’ ranges and the increased need to manage large scale ecosystem processes, such as hydrology, that cross national borders. While there is still a lot we do not know about the effects of climate change on the natural environment, and about appropriate adaptation strategies, there is great potential to share information among the different European countries and to learn from each other’s approaches and experiences.
Recent Outputs
These and documents relating to climate change are available to download from the Library .
Projects and Publications
The group has produced a series of reports (often summarising information and conclusions from workshops and conferences it has held).
- “Helping ecosystems in Europe to adapt to climate change" (2014). This report contains practical advice on how nature conservation measures may support main European ecosystems to adapt to climate change, a critical reflection on heavily discussed concepts of adaptation (like "connectivity" and "translocation") as well as the results of a survey on climate adaptation planning and conservation measures conducted across European conservation projects
- “Climate change in nature conservation in Europe: an ecological, policy and economic perspective” (2014). The proceedings of a major international conference organised by BfN, ENCA and the Free University of Berlin in 2013
- “Proceedings of the European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change – Science, Practice and Policy” (2012). Proceedings of an international conference organised by BfN and ENCA in 2011
- “Working with Nature to Tackle Climate Change” (2010). This is a report on an ENCA / BfN Workshop on developing ecosystem-based approaches to climate change held in 2009
Bern Convention Secretariat
The IG CC has cooperated with the Bern Convention Secretariate , with members contributing to a Bern Convention led publicity campaign Not alone" which is promoting the role of biodiversity in the adaptation of other sectors.
The Bern Convention Secretariat aim to improve the reporting of Parties to provide greater clarity on the steps they are taking to promote adaptation. IG members have also commented on a draft revised framework for reporting action to promote adaptation for Bern Convention species and habitats.
EPA Network
The IG CC closely works with the EPA Network on Nature based solutions.
EPA Network
Anyone with an interest in climate change and nature conservation/biodiversity is welcome to take part in online meetings (and to volunteer as a speaker). We welcome participants from government, non-government and research organisations.