Protected Areas Management and Habitat Restoration
ENCA activities under this priority topic have focused on protected area management approaches and activities by the ENCA Members.

Protected Areas Management
Protected area management is a core activity of many of the ENCA Members who have the statutory responsibility for managing Natura 2000 or Emerald Network Sites as designated under the Nature Directives and Bern Convention respectively. These sites are complemented by a suite of national designation types.
ENCA Activities
ENCA-21 Lithuania 2017 focused on Protected area management with presentations on approaches to, and, governance of, protected area management. Presentations also covered innovations relating to the definition of Favourable Conservation Status, as defined in the Nature Directives.
ENCA-18 Brussels 2016 looked at financing opportunities related to implementation of the Nature Directives, in particular, to support implementation of the Natura 2000 network.
ENCA Outputs
ENCA outputs relating to this priority can be downloaded from the Library. The definition of future activities and outputs under this priority are under discussion and defined in the frame of designing plenary agendas.
ENCA-21 2017 Presentations
- Management of Protected Areas in Croatia
Irina Zupan, CAEN, Croatia - The IUCN Green List Standard
Ana Nieto, IUCNAna Nieto, IUCN, presented the IUCN Green List standard. The standard was developed as a global benchmark for effective management and governance quality for protected and conserved areas. Green List status has been awarded to over 20 sites globally.
The LIFE Green list for N2K project was launched in 2017 and ran until 2019. This project was looking to adapt the standard for N2K sites, which included research on the EU legislation, a consultation process, pilot phase at 20 sites, and reporting on the necessary steps for implementation of the Green List in Europe.
Presentations are available upon request from the ENCA secretariat.