The Interest group on Reporting was established in 2019 and chaired by Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN, Germany). Its mandate ended with the submission and subsequent adoption of a final report (see below).

Aims and Scope
Harmonization of EU-reporting obligations in order to avoid discrepancies in results and reduce the workload for member state authorities in the field of nature conservation and biodiversity
Focus on the following reporting regulations:
- Habitats Directive (HD),
- Birds Directive (BD),
- Water Framework Directive,
- Marine Strategy Framework Directive,
- Directive on the assessment and management of flood risks
- Regulation on Invasive Alien Species
Monitoring points should be harmonized as much as possible between the different Directives, to be efficient and simultaneously useful for the reports. For example fish monitoring is both part of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Habitats Directive (HD). In general, it may be wise to store or collect species specific data collected under the WFD and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in national databases, even if in some cases the EU reports finally only include generalized indices. If species specific data are available these can be used for scientific analysis to improve monitoring and management of sites, as well as for checking the conservation status of HD habitats and species.Final Report Ad hoc IG Streamlining monitoring and reporting obligations