Genetically Modified Organisms
The Interest Group on Genetically Modified Organisms (IG GMO) is jointly organised by the ENCA network and the EPA network (Environment Protection Agency). It was established in 2008 and is chaired by FOEN, the Swiss Federal Office of Environment and Nature.

Aim and Scope
The Interest Group is committed to promoting the exchange of information and experience on environmental risk assessment and monitoring of GMO between ENCAs and EPAs. The overall aim is to develop common views and positions in order to lend more weight to environmental concerns in GMO approval procedures and environmental monitoring programmes.
Key Areas
- Exchange of information on regulatory frameworks, roles and responsibilities (institutional framework)
- Exchange of experience and case studies
- Exchange of usefulness and suitability for monitoring of GMO.
- Evaluation of the current practice of environmental risk assessment
- Evaluation of existing monitoring concepts and already running monitoring programmes.
- Accidental spread of GMOs across borders
- How to consider an appropriate protection for GMO free and conservation areas
- Links between co-existence of GMO and non-GMO and environmental impacts
- Links between co-existence of GMO and non-GMO and environmental impacts
Recent Outputs
Definition of Genome Editing and Relevant Terminology, Technical Report
The Technical Report was established by the Joint EPA ENCA Interest Group on Genetically Modified Organisms (IG GMO). It provides an overview of the experience with monitoring of spontaneous populations of genetically modified plants (GMPs) and provides examples and recommendations for the design of a monitoring programme of GMPs in the environment. The recommendations are for information purposes only, and have neither a compulsory nor a legally binding character.
The report is supported by the following institutions:
- Federal Office for the Environment FOEN (chair), Switzerland
- Environment Agency Austria
- Environment & Resources Authority, Malta
- Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Germany
- Finnish Environment Institute
- Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research ISPRA
- The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania
A report on the 'Various impacts of herbicide-resistant plants on biodiversity'
Steps towards a comprehensive post market environmental monitoring of genetically modified organisms
Anyone with an interest in genetically modified organisms and nature conservation is welcome to take part. We welcome participants from government, non-government and research organisations.